Friday 21 November 2008


We are away this weekend in London, for a very flying visit, for my Mother-in-law's 70th birthday celebrations. November isn't a great time for me to be away and this will be the second weekend away this month. I'm trying to build up the enthusiasm and even designed her a personal card for the occasion (without a mention of The Age - obviously).

She LOVES hats. The only thing that she loves almost as much is shoes. But I did shoes last year. I brought it downstairs last night to show Matthew. He asked if it was a vase. Granted, that was before I put the slogan on. And granted, I took one look at it and thought it could be too. But, everyone, I mean everyone, knows the lady is hat mad. Why would it be a vase?

(I am aware that I am blogging to excess at the mo - apologies. That's partly because I've abandoned it for so long and partly because I know that it's going to be a while before I get on again. So bear with me and ignore at your leisure!)


Tara @ Aquamarine Art said...

Just a thought, but why not save the extra posts and set them to be published at a certain date and time? Then it looks like you're blogging in a normal time frame! Genius or what!

It's so obviously a hat.


Hannah said...

Nice card! Hope you have a good weekend!xxx